Author: pa

Hull Optimization

An initial ship design is rarely optimal in terms of its hydrodynamic efficiency. Often, a new design is derived from geometries of existing ships and “manually” adjusted for the new mission profile. To maximise the economic, environmental, and in particular, fuel efficient operation, the vessel geometry can be optimised without effecting other design criteria such as displacement distribution, load capacity, speed, stability, wake distribution, etc. This optimisation is performed with the use of CFD methods, either by means of a mathematically based, automatic optimisation, or knowledge based on the groundwork of decades of experience of engineers.
For this optimisation, among other things, various parametric models of the “CAESES” software are used. The optimisation is done on the basis of viscous CFD calculations, since these are considerably more reliable in optimising than the potential theory method. The savings benefits are generally considerable and give, over the life of the vessel, a significant increase of the “return on investment”. Classical optimisation tasks are the optimisation of bows, bulbous bows, and sterns. While on new designs an optimal concept is at once available, in the area of retrofitting, especially a bulbous bow, optimisation makes sense. Generally, this is done for the customer’s predefined mission profile fully parametrically. The example shows the development of the drag resistance of a ship geometry depending on the variation of the bulbous bow.
As a secondary condition of minimum resistance or propeller thrust, optimisation of the flow into a propeller (homogeneity of the wake) can be considered.

Propeller struts, stabiliser fins and other appendages can make a significant contribution to the ship’s resistance. Through the optimised shape and alignment of the appendages, the resistance and the loading of the attachments are minimised. Accordingly the propeller wash becomes homogeneous, improving the quality and efficiency of propulsion and contributing to the reduction of vibration and noise.



Context Related References / Research Projects

[1] Lübke, L.: Optimierung von Schiffsanhängen an großen Yachten, Fachseminar Numerische Simulation und Optimierung, Berlin, 24.05.2007
[2] Lübke, L.: Formoptimierung unter Berücksichtigung der Charakteristik des Nachstromfeldes, Forschungsthema, 04/2007 – 12/2009
[3] Lübke, L.: CFD in Ship Design, STG Sprechtag, 25.09.09 Hamburg
[4] Lübke, L.: CFD in Ship Design, ANSYS Conference & 32nd CADFEM Users Meeting 2014, Nürnberg, June 4-6, 2014

Aerodynamics/Exhaust Fumes Simulation



Along with resistance and stability considerations resulting from wind loads, the focus of aerodynamic investigations of the hull above water is also on the problems of exhaust and intake from ventilation and air conditioning systems and the analysis of exhaust gas concentrations. The latter applies primarily to yachts and passenger ships, where comfort aspects are an important design criterion.

Due to the complex geometry of superstructures or masts, turbulence and recirculation zones can arise which can be examined in terms of gas distribution. To process such inquiries, numerical methods can offer possible solutions in order to verify structural aspects and to carry out calculations on variants.

Through simulation the following aspects may be considered:

  • Calculation of wind, exhaust gas, intake and exhaust flow, and detection of mutual interactions
  • Detailed visualisation of the flow and fluid concentrations, i.e. the exhaust gas
  • Calculation of the flow around the whole ship (not linked to specific measurement positions)
  • Temperature distribution for the detection of “hotspots”
  • Accounting for the wind profile
  • Calculation for full-scale version




Context Related References / Research Projects

[1] Blendermann, W., Hellwig-Rieck, K., Schuckert, E.: Wind Loads on a Passenger/Car Ferry by CFD Computations and Wind Tunnel Tests, Ship Technology Research, Vol. 58, No. 2 (2011)

Power Prognosis

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur lectus elit, porttitor quis placerat eget, porttitor eget nunc. Aliquam vel ex lectus. Sed ultricies sed nisi vitae faucibus. Integer sit amet dapibus dolor. Proin tincidunt orci a neque convallis tincidunt. Sed consectetur vel ex sit amet euismod. Praesent commodo ex id ligula porttitor semper. Morbi tempus justo id nisl mattis, eu laoreet sapien suscipit. Aenean est lacus, sodales nec varius vel, convallis sit amet nisl. Cras eleifend, ante vel tempus aliquam, tellus orci tristique nisl, nec convallis diam metus at diam. Proin egestas mauris ligula, in elementum ex efficitur eget. Praesent viverra commodo lacus, eget molestie dui molestie sed. Aliquam nec mollis quam. Phasellus euismod consectetur tincidunt. Phasellus sit amet felis elementum, bibendum dolor quis, blandit magna.

Curabitur eu massa vitae turpis laoreet molestie in eu velit. Nunc in condimentum nisl. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam ante ex, varius nec dignissim faucibus, suscipit vel eros. Aliquam condimentum nisi sit amet est vestibulum tincidunt. Quisque nisl enim, tempor in porttitor sed, ornare ac massa. Mauris sed convallis nisl. Aenean volutpat finibus turpis. Ut porta sagittis ligula congue vestibulum.

Wake Field Calculation/Optimization


The wake fields between model and full-scale show differences because of the underlying physics. In model-scale the boundary layer is thicker relative to full-scale and the bilge vortex more pronounced. This results in differences in the inflow to the propeller between model and ship, which should be considered when designing the propeller. Through the use of numerical methods, the wake field can be calculated for both the model and the ship. Thus it is possible, already while designing the ship lines, to evaluate the wake field and the influence of geometry modifications or appendages. Further, the wake field can be made available for propeller design.

The numerical simulations offer the following advantages:

  • Calculation of the wake field in the preliminary design stage
  • Calculation of the wake field for the Reynolds number of the vessel
  • Evaluation of the velocity components of the wake for any radius and angular increments
  • Visualising the inflow and presentation of the causes (for example, separations) for potential irregularities




Context Related References / Research Projects

[1] Abdel-Maksoud, M., Lübke, L.: Berechnung des Nachstromfeldes der Großausführung, 97. Hauptversammlung der Schiffbautechnischen Gesellschaft, Hamburg, 20.-22.11.2002
[2] Lübke, L.: Calculation of the Wake Field in Model and Full-scale, NAV 2003, International Conference on Ship and Shipping Research, Palermo Italy, 24.-27. June 2003
[3] Lübke, L.: Calculation of the Wake Field in Model and Full-scale, CFX Conference 2003, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 04. – 06. November 2003
[4] Lübke, L.: Validation of CFD Results behind the Working Propeller of a Ship Model, 7th Numerical Towing Tank Symposium, Hamburg, 03.-05. October 2004
[5] Lübke, L., Mach, K.-P.: LDV Measurements in the Wake of the Propelled KCS Model and its Use to Validate CFD Calculations, 25th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, 08-13 August 2004
[6] Lübke, L.: Berechnung des effektiven Nachstromfeldes der Großausführung, 11. SVA-Forum, Potsdam, 09.11.2004
[7] Lübke, L.: Formoptimierung unter Berücksichtigung der Charakteristik des Nachstromfeldes, 4. SVA Forschungsforum „Theoria cum praxi“, Potsdam, 27.01.2011

Measurement Systems

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur lectus elit, porttitor quis placerat eget, porttitor eget nunc. Aliquam vel ex lectus. Sed ultricies sed nisi vitae faucibus. Integer sit amet dapibus dolor. Proin tincidunt orci a neque convallis tincidunt. Sed consectetur vel ex sit amet euismod. Praesent commodo ex id ligula porttitor semper. Morbi tempus justo id nisl mattis, eu laoreet sapien suscipit. Aenean est lacus, sodales nec varius vel, convallis sit amet nisl. Cras eleifend, ante vel tempus aliquam, tellus orci tristique nisl, nec convallis diam metus at diam. Proin egestas mauris ligula, in elementum ex efficitur eget. Praesent viverra commodo lacus, eget molestie dui molestie sed. Aliquam nec mollis quam. Phasellus euismod consectetur tincidunt. Phasellus sit amet felis elementum, bibendum dolor quis, blandit magna.

Curabitur eu massa vitae turpis laoreet molestie in eu velit. Nunc in condimentum nisl. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam ante ex, varius nec dignissim faucibus, suscipit vel eros. Aliquam condimentum nisi sit amet est vestibulum tincidunt. Quisque nisl enim, tempor in porttitor sed, ornare ac massa. Mauris sed convallis nisl. Aenean volutpat finibus turpis. Ut porta sagittis ligula congue vestibulum.

Cargo Ships

Frachtschiff in der Schleppinne

Using the latest measurement technology with the highest accuracy, all cargo ship types of any size can be studied. These range from inland barges to the largest container ships and bulk carriers. In the 280 meter long towing tank, resistance, propulsion and open water tests are carried out to create power and speed predictions. During the trials it is possible to determine the EEDI Index according to the resolution Mepc.214 (63) (2012 Guidelines on Survey and Certification of the Energy Efficiency Design Index).

To make cargo ships safer and more efficient, the SVA Potsdam offers various services. Testing to optimise the propeller rotation direction for multi screw ships as well as trim and rudder angle optimisation can result in significant power savings. For the design of a wake adjusted propeller, wake measurements are performed on the model.

The seakeeping of the ship can be determined in regular and irregular sea states and in wave packets. A cavitation tunnel (Kempf & Remmers) with modern measurement technology is available for the study of the working propeller under cavitation similarity.