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Open Water Test


In open water tests the characteristics of the propeller are measured in homogeneous inflow. Open water tests are mostly performed in the towing tank. For this purpose, the SVA utilises open water carriages and propeller dynamometers. In open water carriage FK1 Kempf & Remmers, the integrated inner dynamometer can be used with different measuring ranges to measure with the highest possible accuracy. In addition, the open water carriage can be used to measure forces and moments on the individual blades of the propeller. For this purpose, measuring hubs have been developed for propellers with three, four and five blades. For the investigation of counter rotating propellers, the dynamometer R40 Kempf & Remmers is used. The dynamometer is installed in the open water carriage FK4 and can be driven by one or two motors to examine the counter rotating propellers with fixed or variable speed ratios. Most open water tests are carried out with the dynamometers H29 and H39 from Kempf & Remmers. The dynamometers differ in size and range and are appropriately selected to match the model propeller.

The characteristics of the propeller can also be determined in the cavitation tunnel K15A. The influence of the limited size of the cross section on the flow velocity or the thrust and torque of the propeller is considered in the test evaluation. The SVA uses the method of Glauert [1] to calculate the wall correction. The cavitation tunnel K15A is equipped with the dynamometers J25 and H36 from Kempf & Remmers. The dynamometer H36 can be used to measure the forces and moments on the individual blades of the propeller by means of a measuring hub.

All dynamometers can be combined with single and three-component balances. Thus, the measurement of the open water characteristics of jet propellers or complex propulsion systems is possible. In addition, two dynamometers and balances can be used together to test counter rotating propellers, tandem propellers or other special propulsion systems.

The shaft inclination of dynamometer H29, H39 and H36 can be varied. The dynamometer H39 and H36 can also be equipped with devices for the measurement of transverse and vertical forces of the propeller.

The detailed description of the experimental procedures and evaluation is contained in the documentation of the Potsdam Propeller Test Case (PPTC) [2].



Context Related References / Research Projects

[1] Glauert, H.: Wind Tunnel Interference. W. F. Durand, Aerodynamic Theory, Vol. IV, Berlin 1935, Division L: Airplane Propellers; 296 – 306
[2] smp’11: 2nd Symposium on Marine Propulsors & 1st Workshop on Cavitation and Propeller Performance, June 17 -18, 2011, Hamburg, Germany


The main components of the deep submerged water jets (DWJs) are rotor, stator and nozzle. The combination of the rotor and stator ensures a nearly swirl-free jet beam (minimum rotational loss). Through the nozzle geometry, the velocity and the pressure can be influenced within the linear jets (deceleration nozzle) in order to reduce the occurrence of cavitation.

The linear jet is located underneath the ship’s hull. Basic research in the R & D project “Development of Linear Jets for Yachts” [1] showed that the deep submerged water jet is a propulsion system with high efficiency and good cavitation characteristics and can be used, in particular, for fast ships and ships with draught restrictions. During the period from 2000-2005, studies and projects were conducted at the SVA for ships with deep submerged waterjets in collaboration with the industry and manufacturers of waterjets. At the end of 2005, Voith Turbo Schneider Propulsion GmbH & Co. KG [4] (VOITH) took over the development and production of the DWJs renaming them Voith Linear Jets (VLJ). Together with Voith, the R & D project “Development and Optimisation of Deeply Submerged Waterjets” (2006 – 2007) and “Propulsion of Ships with Deeply Submerged Waterjets” (2008 – 2010) were carried out in the SVA [2], [4]. The main goals were the optimisation of the submerged water jets, the determination of the open water characteristics and cavitation characteristics of DWJs, the hydrodynamic integration of DWJs in ship design, the development of the experimental methodology and predicting methods as well as identification of the propulsion characteristics of ships with DWJs. In 2012 VOITH received the first order for a twin set of Voith Linear jets (VLJ) from the British company Turbine Transfer Ltd. for a Wind Farm Support Vessel (WSV). In 2013 the VLJs were developed and manufactured by VOITH. At SVA, systematic experiments [3] and CFD calculations were performed referencing the full-scale measurements from the WSV to check the prediction methods.




Context Related References / Research Projects

[1] Bohm, M., Jürgens, D.: LINEAR-Jet: A propulsion system for fast ships, PRADS 1998, The Hague, The Netherlands
[2] Heinke, H.-J., Hellwig; K.: Tiefgetauchter Waterjet – Entwicklungsstand und Ausblick, Marineforum 12/2005
[3] Heinke, H.-J.: Latest Hydrodynamic Results of the Voith Linear Jet, 5th Symposium on Voith Schneider Technology 2014, Heidenheim
[4] Jürgens, D., Heinke, H.-J.: Untersuchung tiefgetauchter Waterjets, STG-Hauptversammlung, Hamburg, Jahrbuch der Schiffbautechnischen Gesellschaft, 100. Band, 2006



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Vertical Axis Rotors


Vertical axis rotors like the Voith Schneider Propeller (VSP) are special propulsion systems that give ships very good maneouvrability with very short control times. These systems are therefore often installed on double-ended ferries and special purpose vessels. In the SVA many ships with VSP’s were examined, such as tugboats, double-ended ferries with 2 and 4 VSP’s, and offshore supply ships. To get a deeper insight into the mechanism of action of Voith Schneider Propellers, several research projects were conducted [1], [2] in the SVA Potsdam. Among other things, the interaction of VSP and hull on double-enders [3], [4] was investigated. Here, a special SVA measuring balance was developed which in comparison to the standard methods, enables the measurement of the thrust in the model test and thus to determine the interaction parameters in propulsions tests. The interaction parameters can provide information on optimisation potentials.

In the project “Offshore Support Vessels with Voith Schneider Propellers” basic investigations were performed for the propulsion of OSV’s with VSP’s [6]. The focus was again on the interaction between VSP and hull. Simultaneously, the current methods of evaluation have been reviewed.

For model testing, VSP models are provided by the Voith company. For normal power and speed prediction, the thrust measurement on VSP’s is not absolutely necessary. However, the additional amount of preparation and testing time lends itself to optimisation questions.


Context Related References / Research Projects

[1] Heinke, H.-J.: Model tests with Voith Schneider Propellers at high thrust coefficients, Hydrodynamic Symposium – Voith Schneider Propulsion, Heidenheim, März 2006
[2] Heinke, H.-J.: High-Speed Camera Observations of the Cavitation at a Voith Schneider Propeller, 2nd Symposium Voith Schneider Technology, Heidenheim, June 2008
[2] Jürgens, D.; Grabert, R.: New Hydrodynamic Aspects of Double Ended Ferries with Voith-Schneider Propeller, 2nd International Conference on Double Ended Ferries, Alesund, Norway, 2003
[4] Grabert, R.: New Insight into the Hydrodynamics of Double-Ended Ferries with Voith Schneider Propellers, 3rd Hydrodynamic Symposium on Voith Schneider Propulsion, Constance, 16 – 18 June 2010
[5] Grabert, R.: Analysis of the Interaction VSP – Hull of Modern OSV, 4th Hydrodynamic Symposium on Voith Schneider Propulsion, Heidenheim, 12 – 14 June 2012
[6] Heinke, C.: Investigations of OSV with VSP Propulsors at SVA Potsdam, 5th Hydrodynamic Symposium on Voith Schneider Propulsion , Heidenheim, 30.9. – 2.10. 2014

Inline Thruster


An inline thruster is an electric ring motor with a rotor and nozzle combined in a powerful propulsion system without shaft and gearbox. Four inline thrusters with a rotor diameter of 170 mm have been developed in the SVA for model tests. The models are studied in open water and cavitation tests. In addition, velocity measurements, dynamic flow monitoring and open water experiments at different azimuth angles and in off-design conditions were carried out for various industrial applications.

The forces and moments on the different elements of the inline thrusters were calculated in the model and at full-scale. The results of these calculations were the basis for the investigation of the Reynolds number effects and for the optimisation of the rotor and nozzle geometry.
Propulsion and maneuvering tests showed the applicability of inline thrusters for main propulsion system of ships [1], [2].





Context Related References / Research Projects

[1] Heinke, C.: Flachwassergeeignete Propulsionssysteme mit hoher Effizienz, SVA-Bericht 3502, FuE-Abschlussbericht, Potsdam, November 2008
[2] Heinke, H.-J.: Inline Thruster als Hauptantriebssystem, SVA-Bericht 3670, FuE-Abschlussbericht, Potsdam, Mai 2010

Transverse Thruster

Bild1_Prinzipskizze QRABild2_Querkanal_QRA

Thrusters of various designs are used to improve manoeuverability. The variations go from impeller, z-drives and retractable types to permanently installed channel thrusters. For the design of bow thrusters, details are needed on the basic parameters of the propeller and interaction with the channel in particular. For bow thrusters with propellers, different approximation methods were derived. At SVA, the method of Bladt and Wagner [3] is used for the design of thrusters. Investigations with thrusters can similarly be carried out as ducted propellers up to a certain size (relation of propeller diameter to length of the tunnel). The following figure shows a schematic diagram of the experimental setup.

For cavitation tests with propellers for thrusters, the cross-channel system 25A26 was developed [2].

The propeller is driven with the J25 dynamometer. The channel inner diameter is 209 mm. At the end of the channel a nozzle-like constriction is arranged. This nozzle causes a throttling effect that achieves high thrust loads of the propeller in the experiments without a working impeller. Smaller loads can be realised by increasing the velocity in the pipe by a working impeller. The velocity in the channel is determined by pressure measurements. The velocity measuring device is calibrated by the measurement of the velocity distribution in the jet of the outlet of the nozzle. Therefor the LDV-measuring device is used in the cavitation tunnel. The calibration is performed with and without propellers. The static pressure which is required for calculating the cavitation number is measured in the entrance of the channel. The entrance of the cross channel can be equipped with a vertical or inclined plate relative to the channel axis.


Context Related References / Research Projects

[1] Vollheim, R.: Modellversuche zur Entwicklung eines Bugstrahlruders Schiffbauforschung 18 1/2/1979
[2] Schröder, G.: Eine Einrichtung für Modellversuche an Propellern für Querstrahlruder Schiffbauforschung 23 3, 1984
[3] Bladt, K.-J.: Beitrag zur Auslegung von Querschubanlagen mit Propeller für Schiffe,, 2013