With the completion of the “LeiQaS” R&D project (funding code 03SX530C), SVA is in a position to design transverse thruster propellers that are more efficient with lower noise emissions than conventional transverse thruster propellers with fully symmetrical profiles. For this reason, SVA applied for industrial property rights in the form of a utility model protection (No. 20 2024 000 150) for “Propellers with Z-profiles to reduce noise and increase efficiency” at the German Patent and Trade Mark Office on the 25th January 2024. The profile shape was developed by SVA as part of the project with the aim of achieving a spatial stabilisation of the flow separation and the start of cavitation, which leads to a reduction in noise and an increase in efficiency. In view of the increasing desire of ship owners for comfort, the future regulations for noise reduction and the low additional costs when using an alternative propeller design, it can be assumed that propellers with Z-profiles will find a high level of acceptance in the shipbuilding industry.
The on-board measurements for the “AutoPlan” (funded by BMWi; reference number 03SX523) research project on a semi-planing boat were successfully completed in the Sea of Marmara near Istanbul. In addition to the on-board measurements, the boat, built by the UZMAR shipyard, was presented to the public for the first time at a formal ceremony.
SVA Potsdam was in charge of the on-board measurements. Measurement parameters included thrust and torque measurements on both ship shafts, rudder angle measurements and pressure pulse measurements in the ship’s outer skin at a speed of approx. 27.5 knots. The test program was developed in close coordination of all partners and included autonomously driven Z-maneuvers and turning circle investigations at different rudder angles. The intensive evaluation of the measurement campaign and the comparison to the model measurements resp. simulation calculations is the task of all project partners for the next weeks and months.
The R&D project “AutoPlan – Automatic Navigation Assistance System for Planing and Semi-planing Crafts”
The project “AutoPlan” is aimed at the safe and environmentally friendly operation of (semi) planing crafts. The issue of safety is determined by the sporadic occurrence of unstable behavior: the so-called porpoising (pitching or trimming motion) and corkscrewing behavior with rolling motions. These phenomena significantly impair the safety of people and the ship and, last but not least, pose a threat to the mission objectives also due to time delays and additional fuel consumption.
Project partner:
UZMAR SHIPYARD (Kocaeli / Türkei)
Offshore Engineering Solutions Inc. (Mersin / Türkei)
FRIENDSHIP SYSTEMS AG (Potsdam Deutschland)
TU Berlin – Lehrstuhl Dynmaik Maritimer Systeme (Berlin / Deutschland)
SVA Potsdam GmbH (Potsdam / Deutschland)
Piri Reis University – Marine Engineering Department (Istanbul / Türkei)
Figure 1: Presentation of the certificate of appreciation by A. Noyan Altug (CEO – UZMAR) to Kay Domke (Division Manager “Dynamics & Acoustics” – SVA Potsdam)
Picture 2: Photo of all project partners in front of the built semi-planing boat “AUTOPLAN”.
On October 30th, the German Environmental Award was presented to our former colleague Friedrich Mewis and Mr. Dirk Lehmann for the development of the energy-saving device Becker-Mewis-Duct. We sincerely congratulate on this award.
We look forward to presenting you with the latest information at our booth.
Among others, the following persons will be at your disposal as contact persons:
Dr. Masilge, Managing Director SVA Potsdam GmbH Mr. Grabert, Head of “Resistance and Propulsion” Mr. Froitzheim, Head of “Propeller and Cavitation” Mr. Domke, Head of “Dynamics and Acoustics” Mr. Lübke, “Computational Fluid Dynamics”
as well as other colleagues from the different disciplines.
The aim of the project is to take into account not only the design condition, as currently practised, but also the off-design conditions, as these occur in particular in waves and during manoeuvring, in the design as well as the hydrodynamic design of the propulsion and manoeuvring elements. This is also related to a more realistic off-design performance estimation. Continue reading “SiRiOS (12/2021 – 05/2024)”→
The aim of this research topic is to develop a concept for the increased use of inland waterways by inland freight transport. This involves providing a modern version of an old transport system, towage, taking into account modern drive and control technology. This will be made possible by modern tractor systems, i.e. autonomously operating lafettes or tractors on a rail system similar to a guardrail. The main advantage is that these tractors can be supplied with the necessary energy via the rail system. This should make an important contribution to the decarbonisation of freight transport on inland waterways. Continue reading “Emission-free autonomous towing system (11/2021 – 04/2024)”→