Dynamic Positioning Test

The Dynamic Positioning Capability (DP Capability) defines the position holding capability of a ship within given environmental and operational conditions. As a result of model testing, DP capability plots and data for the design of control systems can be provided. For DP capability plots the external forces on the ship through rough seas, currents and winds are determined in the model test. Within the towing tank, there is a wind turbine, a wave machine to produce the loads and balances to measure the forces and moments on the ship. As a result, the DP capability plots are plotted for different scenarios and environmental conditions.

Interpretation of DP control systems is realised through dynamic environmental conditions simulated in the towing tank with free running models. Any irregular sea state and wind profile can be produced. The model can be equipped with rudders, thrusters, VSPs and other control mechanisms. The superstructure of the ship is also modelled.



Context Related References / Research Projects

[1]    Steinwand, M., Wuttke, H., Schleusener, B.: Prognose quasistationärer Rumpfkräfte anhand von Vergleichsschiffen, numerische Modellierung von Steuer- und Propulsionsorganen und Verifikation simulierter Manöver, Bericht 3735, Schiffbau-Versuchsanstalt Potsdam, November 2010 (Abschlussbericht)
[2]    Steinwand, M., Schomburg, E.: 360° – Strömungskräfte auf das Schiff, STG-Sprechtag Manövrieren, 14. Mai 2014, Hamburg
[3]    Steinwand, M.: Dynamic Positioning von Schiffen und Plattformen mit Motionstabilisierung unter Verwendung von x/y-Logik, 8. SVA-Forschungsforum, Potsdam, 29. Januar 2015
[4]    Steinwand, M.: Forces on Podded Drives in Manoeuvring Condition, SVA-CTO-Meeting, Brieselang, 6. Juni 2015
[5]    Steinwand, M.: Bestimmung der Kräfte und Momente auf das Unterwasserschiff über Anströmwinkel von360°, Bericht 4342, Schiffbau-Versuchsanstalt Potsdam, Juni 2015 (Abschlussbericht)