The SVA Potsdam examines and optimises planing and semi-planing hulls with regards to their dynamic riding characteristics in displacement and planing modes. This includes, among other things, investigations concerning constructive measures which encourage early and stable “planing” and ensure a stable trim while on plane. In all considerations, low power consumption, stability and seaworthiness are the focus of investigations. Dynamic performance of speedboats can be studied both experimentally and numerically. Doing this, optimum solutions can be found through specific modifications and adjustments to the model. The range of services provided by the SVA regarding planing includes following study focuses:
- Resistance and propulsion tests
- Finding an optimal interceptor settingg
- Optimal center of gravity
- Optimal stern wedges or planing flaps
- Design and testing of the spray rails
- Manoeuvring tests in the field
- Testing of lifting strakes
Context Related References / Research Projects
[1] Schomburg, E.: FuE-Projekt „Gekoppeltes CFD-Verfahren zur Widerstandsprognose von Schiffen im Gleitzustand“