With the completion of the “LeiQaS” R&D project (funding code 03SX530C), SVA is in a position to design transverse thruster propellers that are more efficient with lower noise emissions than conventional transverse thruster propellers with fully symmetrical profiles. For this reason, SVA applied for industrial property rights in the form of a utility model protection (No. 20 2024 000 150) for “Propellers with Z-profiles to reduce noise and increase efficiency” at the German Patent and Trade Mark Office on the 25th January 2024. The profile shape was developed by SVA as part of the project with the aim of achieving a spatial stabilisation of the flow separation and the start of cavitation, which leads to a reduction in noise and an increase in efficiency. In view of the increasing desire of ship owners for comfort, the future regulations for noise reduction and the low additional costs when using an alternative propeller design, it can be assumed that propellers with Z-profiles will find a high level of acceptance in the shipbuilding industry.