PPTC smp’11 Workshop


Dear visitor,

SVA Potsdam decided to publish the experimental data of the controllable pitch propeller VP1304, under the acronym PPTC (which stands for Potsdam Propeller Test Case). The data is intended to offer you the possibility to test and validate your calculation method(s). We have collected a variety of different tests and we hope that they meet your requirements. The data was also used during the smp’11 workshop on propeller performance in Hamburg on June 18th, 2011.The experimental dataset covers the following:

  1. Geometry of the propeller
  2. Open Water Tests
  3. Velocity Field Measurements (LDV – Laser Doppler Velocimetry)
  4. Cavitation Tests
  5. smp’11 Propeller Workshop

In case you encounter any problems please contact us under pptc(at)sva-potsdam.de.

With the hope to have provided somehow vital information for validation purposes, to have set challenging tasks and to have awaken your curiosity, we remain respectfully

SVA Team

1. Geometry:


2. Open Water Tests:


3. Velocity Field Measurements:


4. Cavitation Tests:


5. smp’11 Propeller Workshop

The proceedings with all available data can be found here.